Sunday 18 January 2009

Map Guidethrough for Starwars battlefront

Death Star

Our most knowned place, the death star, a killer place with jail slots and the lazer[not avaidable to use]. On rise of an empire it really is hard to keep the rebellion inside the deathstar. The handellers of this would be the brothers republic and empire. because they have jets and their is many big gaps and never ending drops. So these teams come in handy. The rebellion are the masters of kamino but i dont have a picture for that.[yet]


Kasyyykk is the homeland to wookies, a green bushy land with a fair bit of space. The rulers of this is the wookies, but the best fighters are CIS, they thrash you with Armoured Tank Droids, and droidkas get all the cover they need making it really hard to spot these ledgendary troops. BEWARE:


Mos Eisley

Mos Eisley, a scorching hot place what has plenty of cover and plenty of cool command posts. This place does'nt belong to anyone, but if it did, it would be the Repuplic. See the repulic has a better chance of winning coz in the pub command post are the droids, and the droids are pretty useless in that respawn point. The repuplic also has jetpacks making it easier to get around, best command post is 5, no. 5 has a ship,[seen above] with turrets making it a difficult place to capture, unluckily to the republic, the CIS control it on the beginning, but the republic are capable of getting a jet and flying onto the ship, taking enemys by suprise.


Hoth, an icy rebel controlled plant. Beware its a bloody bath once walking out to the centre. The best team for this map is Empire, i would of choosed repuplic but it is'nt a clone wars map. The Parmafrost is reallistic and so is the snow, rebels ride on these lama things and the empires get inside a AT-AT, i think. Im guessing you cant play as CIS or Repulic coz they havent got the equipment required for hoth. As it could rust the CIS's team and Repulic have no tanks what are ridable in snow.

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